Congratulations to Sebastian “Bash” Cox making it to the Finals on December 2, 2023 at the Jiu-Jitsu World League Finals 3!

Congratulations Bash! We are proud of you back here at Qunicy BJJ!
Congratulations to Sebastian “Bash” Cox making it to the Finals on December 2, 2023 at the Jiu-Jitsu World League Finals 3!
Congratulations Bash! We are proud of you back here at Qunicy BJJ!
Article by Amanda Henderson at
Keeping your children healthy and happy is so important. So it makes sense that you would also want to give them the know-how and skills to make healthier choices now and into adulthood. It’s why so many parents enroll their kids in health- and wellness-boosting martial arts classes, like the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ones offered at Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
In addition to Jiu-Jitsu, here are three more effective habits you should help your kids learn
Too many kids spend most of their lives indoors these days. As a matter of fact, experts, doctors, and educators have been warning parents about a growing “nature-deficit disorder” trend for years now. A phrase first used by Richard Louv, nature-deficit disorder simply means that children haven’t been getting the healthy dose of the outdoors they need to stay healthy.
You see, your tiny humans are basically like tiny little plants — only much more complicated, of course! They need fresh air, sunlight, and time outdoors to thrive and grow, and there are so many ways to encourage your kids to connect with nature. By simply getting out into the yard!
Step out into your backyard and do a little stargazing with your kids. You can even download an app to your smartphone that will map out the night sky for you, and help your children learn fun facts about astronomy. Time those lessons just right and you may even see the space station.
Playing video games is a popular pastime for many children and teens. While there are some potential benefits to be had from this hobby, you should also encourage your little ones to take up more active pursuits — including martial arts! In addition to being a lot of fun, children and teens can build discipline and more focus, especially if they struggle with ADHD.
If your family lives in the Tacoma area, you can check out the current classes being offered by Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, to start taking advantage of the many perks of martial arts training. They even offer a family membership, so that you can all boost your health and confidence!
Need another idea for a healthy hobby that will help your children learn skills for life? Get in the kitchen with them and teach them how to cook! Seriously, aside from giving your children one of the most basic skills they will need to grow into thriving adults, getting your kids into cooking will also help them pick up real-world math and science lessons.
Alright, so cooking is definitely a skill you should want your children to have. Still, so many kids end up missing out on this sort of basic knowledge, and that can cause them more health and wellness issues in their adult years. Besides being able to prepare healthy meals for themselves, there are other essential life skills that all children should know.
One of those skills is how to make themselves and their health a priority with self-care. Often seen as a luxury, self-care is actually an essential building block of health for both children and adults. Impart the importance of maintaining self-care habits, like taking care of their teeth, making time for mindfulness, and dedicating time to rest, and model these habits for them.
Teaching your children other essential lessons, including how to swim, how to be happy being alone, and how to care for others, can also set them up for better health. If you can help your kids learn these skills before their teen years, you can lower their risks for anxiety and stress.
Health and happiness — it’s all that any parent wants for their children. Encouraging your children to try the habits and wellness routines above can help them make better decisions when it comes to their well-being. Most importantly, you should practice these positive habits in your own everyday life. Because your kids are always watching you and learning from you.
Improve your family’s well-being with confidence-boosting classes at Quincy Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.